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Path of sustainability and ESG factors in the company

Jun 27, 2024 | News

The concept of sustainability is more complex than we can imagine, especially when applied to companies. Good practices for respecting and protecting the environment that are directly associated with this concept are just one aspect of a much broader issue that is now identified with the ESG acronym. In fact, the acronym stands for Environment, Society and Governance: the three areas in which companies are called upon to solidify their commitment to a better future inside and outside the company.

Even before assuming the rigorous aspect of a European directive, this concept of broad-spectrum sustainability was already well established in the management policies of the company, which for some time has laid the foundations for a development path in this direction.

The attention that Unicka places towards sustainability issues is not the result of regulatory obligations, but of long-term vision and the urgency to respond to a need that concerns us all, governance, companies and citizens to individually contribute, each for their part, to reducing the impact that our activities have on the conservation of the planet.

A better organisation of work corresponds to the optimisation of resources and a reduced environmental impact, as well as welfare policies and support for local communities, thus creating a mutual exchange with the territory to which the company returns value. This is the sense of a commitment that triggers a virtuous circle on several levels to place companies in the only market that will have a future, the one that promotes innovative and sustainable value chains.

With the introduction of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), companies, in addition to integrating sustainability objectives into their development strategies, are called upon to report these actions within the company’s financial statements, in order to demonstrate how they affect a virtuous change in the economic-financial structure and business model.

Unicka has implemented the new European directive in time, confirming its commitment to carry out a culture of sustainability and to disseminate information relating to the actions taken and the results obtained through digital communication.

Keep following our news to learn about the next developments in Unicka’s commitment to Sustainability.